The Greatest Sound
"An empty vessel makes the greatest sound"

I heart weird art.

Here are just a few random shots that I've taken of buildings and such around Vancouver.  I'm waiting for Steve to get here with the good camera and zoom to get some keepers.  There's some great art, too, but I'm not sure if I'd call this stuff art. 

What country are we in again?

This is better than any window dressing I've seen in NYC...

The giant advertisement is for Hudson Bay Co. - the company who makes the official apparel for the Canadian team.  But what is way cooler is the giant wad of metal trash across the street...

This is near Sunset Beach... Its a great piece of art, but I don't quite get why they both have diamonds on them?!?! 

Also near Sunset Beach, these stacked stones mirror the 2010 Olympic Winter Games motto. 


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About Me

Shakespeare voices this phrase through the title character in Henry V, but it is believed to have originated from a similar Plato quote, "As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers." In religion, one is often told to be a vessel - a willing mind ready to receive. Many religious philosophers encouraged followers to "be empty". In pop culture, however, the same term is considered an insult. The "empty vessel approach" in philosophy shows stupidity or a lack of motivation... Like the phrase, my blog is a little tongue-in-cheek, neither great, nor a sound. But then again, I'm just an empty vessel.